Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The problem with blogging and other random thoughts

So, I have started blogs before.  And, every time I have the same problem.  I spend too much time thinking about what I should write about.  So, when I should be falling asleep (and, it is always already too late when I get that point in my day), I start thinking about what I'll write about.  I want it to be interesting and clever and relevant and blah, blah, blah.  But, honestly, I'm interesting on occasion and clever in fits and starts.  Consistency is a tough one.  And, now that I have that out of the way, I can get back to the topic of the day... which I thought of in the wee hours and has now totally left my brain.  Feh.

Now I am back to wondering what to write about.  Oh, wait!  Now I remember....

So, we like to refer to Ryan as being "incident prone" - not exactly accidents, but more incidents.  And, unfortunately I am nearly certain that Jasper has inherited that trait from his father.  This poor kid needs to work on his prat fall skills so he can land better during any of the numerous tumbles he takes every day.  On Monday I was I the shower when I heard the crying start... and Jasper doesn't cry often - not like that.  So, a moment later, in he comes in his papa's arms, a blood-covered paper towel at his mouth.  Big tears rolled down his cheeks as he sniveled.  Tripping over his own feet, he did a face plant on the kitchen floor and took a nice chunk out of his top lip.  So, eventually he stopped looking like he would fall apart and went back to playing with trucks, fat lip and all.  The follow-up to that performance was last night at bedtime.  Heading to the stairs, he again tripped over his own feet and went face first into the edge of one of the (thankfully) carpeted stairs.  Lots of crying and tears ensued as did a large welt across his eyebrow. On the plus side, there was no blood.  And, those are just the falls with visible injuries.  (Insert his mama's audible sighing here.)

Today we decided to go for a walk.... and as it has been a good solid 6 weeks since we have been able to get out, I had forgotten how literal kids become as they gain more language skills.  So, taking a walk to Jasper meant to him that he was going to get to walk, so when I put him in the stroller, he wasn't very happy about it and let me know.  I hope no one heard him... you would have thought I was trying to set him on fire, not buckle him into a stroller!  So, now I must remember we are going for a stroll...

In other exciting news, the empty house next door to us seems to finally be sold (the sign is gone, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it isn't just going to Sheriff sale for the 2nd time).  It has been empty since October of 2009 and I hope whoever has purchased it is A) a good neighbor and B) fixes the darn place up!  I don't want to live next door to "those" neighbors again... we did at our last house and, little did we know when we bought this house, we did here too.  I'd like some nice neighbors, who have a little pride in ownership.  Maybe some folks who understand that neighbors work, have kids, try to respect each other, don't steal produce out of other people's gardens... you know, stuff like that.  Okay, that is all I will say about that until I see some life forms over there that aren't marsupials.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

weather and words

Jasper is desperate to go outside.  He runs to the door and points, trying to figure out how to work the doorknob, repeating "soutside."  Eventually he gets distracted (his attention span is rather short at 17 months, after all), but always looks a little sad when I tell him it is too cold or too icy to go out.  Thankfully that trend seems to be breaking for a few days.  I think we might even be able to walk to the post office to today - walking in the street of course, but outside nonetheless.

The birds are singing, the sun is mostly shining, and that is enough incentive for me to go outside.  I can even see the soggy, brown grass in places.  I never thought that would be so exciting, but the winter has been long cooped up with a toddler.

I placed a plant and seed order from the heirloom seed exchange ( the other day... it felt good to be preparing for spring and growing things and the smell of warming earth.  I love just looking at their catalog and reading the descriptions.  Jasper and I read it a few times...   Now I just need to sit down and make a plan on where everything is going to go and where the new beds need to be created.  I have a lot of plans for the yard again this year, including planting two friut trees - pears!

Aside from dreaming of spring, I spend my days amazed at how quickly Jasper's vocabulary seems to be expanding.  Some things he says are very clear, other words make no sense unless you have the advantage of the parental dictionary.  And, for some reason, he puts another sound/syllable after the "K" sound.  So, it is "sock-uh"  (which sounds amusingly like "sucker," and we try not to laugh).  And, "wak-uh" is fork.  On the other hand, he says "bess you" very clearly when someone sneezes, and "bye-bye, see you" when leaving or when someone leaves.  It seems like there are new words he is trying out every day.  And, what he says next is always an exciting surpise.

Well, naptime is over, so I'll be off to see what he says next.